How Web application works - everything you should know and in details!

How Web application works - everything you should know and in details!

Web Application how it works?

Lets understand first the Web application terminology:

This section defines frequently used terms relating to web applications.

An application server is software that helps a web server process web pages containing server-side scripts or tags. When such a page is requested from the server, the web server hands the page off to the application server for processing before sending the page to the browser.

Common application servers include Macromedia ColdFusion, Macromedia JRun Server, the Microsoft .NET Framework, IBM WebSphere, and Apache Tomcat.

A database is a collection of data stored in tables. Each row of a table constitutes one record and each column constitutes a field in the record, as shown in the following example.


A database driver is software that acts as an interpreter between a web application and a database. Data in a database is stored in a proprietary format. A database driver lets the web application read and manipulate data that would otherwise be undecipherable.

A database management system (DBMS, or database system) is software used to create and manipulate databases. Common database systems include Microsoft Access, Oracle 9i, and MySQL.

A database query is the operation that extracts a recordset from a database. A query consists of search criteria expressed in a database language called SQL. For example, the query can specify that only certain columns or only certain records be included in the recordset.

A dynamic page is a web page customized by an application server before the page is sent to a browser.

A recordset is a set of data extracted from one or more tables in a database, as in the following example:

A relational database is a database containing more than one table, with the tables sharing data. The following database is relational because two tables share the DepartmentID column.


A server technology is the technology that an application server uses to modify dynamic pages at runtime.

The Dreamweaver development environment supports the following server technologies:

·       Macromedia ColdFusion

·       Microsoft ASP.NET

·       Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)

·       Sun Java Server Pages (JSP)

·       PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

You can also use the Dreamweaver coding environment to develop pages for any other server technology not listed.

A static page is a web page that is not modified by an application server before the page is sent to a browser.

A web application is a website that contains pages with partly or entirely undetermined content. The final content of these pages is determined only when a visitor requests a page from the web server. Because the final content of the page varies from request to request based on the visitor's actions, this kind of page is called a dynamic page.

A web server is software that sends out web pages in response to requests from web browsers. A page request is generated when a visitor clicks a link on a web page in the browser, selects a bookmark in the browser, or enters a URL in the browser's address text box.

Popular web servers include Microsoft Internet Information Server, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Apache HTTP Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, and Sun ONE Web Server.

How a web application works

A web application is a collection of static and dynamic web pages. A static web page is one that does not change when a site visitor requests it: The web server sends the page to the requesting web browser without modifying it. In contrast, a dynamic web page is modified by the server before it is sent to the requesting browser. The changing nature of the page is why it's called dynamic.

For example, you could design a page to display fitness results, while leaving certain information (such as employee name and results) to be determined when the page is requested by a particular employee.

This section contains the following topics:

·       Processing static web pages

·       Processing dynamic pages

·       Accessing a database

Processing static web pages

A static website comprises a set of related HTML pages and files hosted on a computer running a web server.

A web server is software that serves web pages in response to requests from web browsers. A page request is generated when a visitor clicks a link on a web page, selects a bookmark in a browser, or enters a URL in a browser's address text box.

The final content of a static web page is determined by the page designer and doesn't change when the page is requested. Here's an example:



<title>The Next Globe Blog</title>



<h1>The Next Globe</h1>

<p>A blog for latest and updates </p>



Every line of the page's HTML code is written by the designer before the page is placed on the server. Because the HTML doesn't change once it's on the server, this kind of page is called a static page.

When the web server receives a request for a static page, the server reads the request, finds the page, and sends it to the requesting browser, as shown in the following figure:


In the case of web applications, certain lines of code are undetermined when the visitor requests the page. These lines must be determined by some mechanism before the page can be sent to the browser. The mechanism is discussed in the following section.

Processing dynamic pages

When a web server receives a request for a static web page, the server sends the page directly to the requesting browser. When the web server receives a request for a dynamic page, however, it reacts differently: It passes the page to a special piece of software responsible for finishing the page. This special software is called an application server.

The application server reads the code on the page, finishes the page according to the instructions in the code, and then removes the code from the page. The result is a static page that the application server passes back to the web server, which then sends the page to the requesting browser. All the browser gets when the page arrives is pure HTML. Here's a view of the process:


Accessing a database

An application server lets you work with server-side resources such as databases. For example, a dynamic page may instruct the application server to extract data from a database and insert it into the page's HTML.

The instruction to extract data from a database is called a database query. A query consists of search criteria expressed in a database language called SQL (Structured Query Language). The SQL query is written into the page's server-side scripts or tags.

An application server cannot communicate directly with a database because the database's proprietary format renders the data undecipherable in much the same way that a Microsoft Word document opened in Notepad or BBEdit may be undecipherable. The application server can communicate with the database only through the intermediary of a database driver: software that acts like an interpreter between the application server and the database.

After the driver establishes communication, the query is executed against the database and a recordset is created. A recordset is a set of data extracted from one or more tables in a database. The recordset is returned to the application server, which uses the data to complete the page.

Here's a simple database query written in SQL:

SELECT lastname, firstname, fitpoints

FROM employees

This statement creates a three-column recordset and fills it with rows containing the last name, first name, and fitness points of all employees in the database.


Here's an illustration of the process of querying a database and returning data to the browser:

Web Application- flow


You can use almost any database with your web application, as long as the appropriate database driver for it is installed on the server.

If you plan to build small low-cost applications, you can use a file-based database, such as one created in Microsoft Access. If you plan to build robust, business-critical applications, you can use a server-based database, such as one created in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 9i, or MySQL.

If your database is located on a system other than your web server, make sure you have a fast connection between the two systems so that your web application can operate quickly and efficiently

Authoring dynamic pages

Authoring a dynamic page consists of writing the HTML first, and then adding the server-side scripts or tags to the HTML to make the page dynamic. When you view the resulting code, the language appears embedded in the page's HTML. Accordingly, these languages are known as HTML embedded programming languages. The following basic example uses ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML):



<title>The Next Globe Blog</title>



<h1>The Next Globe Blog</h1>

<p>The Next Globe Blog</p>

Server technology



ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)


Visual Basic


Active Server Pages (ASP)



Java Server Pages (JSP)




