Usability check list for Web site- Complete check list.

Usability is about how easy something is to use. It is a measure of how well a Web site can be used by targeted visitors to achieve specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. It goes beyond just being ‘user friendly’.


Usability check list for Web site- General:-

1. Does site uses a consistence layout on every page?

2. Does home page clearly identify the site’s purpose?

3. Does site use familiar names and terms? No Acronyms and jargon on page should appear.

4. Does abbreviations and acronyms handle properly?

5. Is the logo on the site located on the header / banner of the page?

6. Is logo used for all the pages and at specified location?? Use of such improves the page “Look and feel”

7. Does site use consistence navigation? Is navigation tabs/ feature located at proper location such as user can easily find and get it?

8. Does your Web site reasonably limit the number of navigation items in a single group?

In general, the maximum recommended number of navigation items is nine.

9. Do all the pages on the web site contain navigational options?

10. Does site use horizontal scrolling? It should not use it.

11. Is site is printer friendly?

12. Do all the pages resize correctly?

13. Does Web site display unnecessary windows or graphics? Sometimes while downloading files a blank window is opened! -( I noted on MS sites to download outlook.)

14. Does pages have consistently quick download? In general, a page should load in less than 10 seconds.

15. Does site contain links to any necessary plug-ins?—flash players? If it is then the page must be compliant; is it??

16. Is site easy-to-use and useful??

Usability check – Aashish Patil- Web Application:- Jan 06 – Jan 07:-

Usability of Web page Contents:-

17. Can users easily skim the content on Web site?

Allow users to quickly find what they are looking for with conversational-style writing and liberal use of headings. Are those used?

18. Does Web site provide a consistent cue for links? Do not just use color to cue for links. Underline or bold them for those who are color blind. Is it used if necessary?

19. Are the links on Web site descriptive? If a link is read outside of the paragraph, is it understandable?

20. Are the headings and the first sentence of each paragraph descriptive and engaging so users can read and decide whether they want to continue with the paragraph?

21. Are the images on your Web site relevant and appropriate?

22. Is the content on Web site legible? Is it provided with proper fonts and sufficient Contrast?

Accessibility Checklist:-

Web site should be accessible for all users with a variety of assistive technologies.

Can the Site Be Browsed With Different Browsing Technologies?

23. Do all pages render adequately in different browsers using different operating systems?

24. Does site use alternative descriptions for informational images and graphics ? Is the alternative text meaningful? Does it adequately describe the image or graphic?

25. If Web site uses pop-ups, are visitors always informed when an action will spawn a pop-up window?

This can be avoided by using alt as = "… This link opens in a new window." Users should be provided a simple way to close the pop-up window. Also, the window should be resizable to accommodate variations in text size.

26. Does Web site require the use of Flash or JavaScript for content? Some technologies cannot make use of Flash or JavaScript. Some users may disable these tech. Make sure your page works with JavaScript disabled.

27. Does site's JavaScript use multilevel drop-down or fly-out menus? If it is then be sure to use sufficient room for the mouse over.

28. Do the pages on site render acceptably with CSS turned off? Also, some users may set their browser to ignore your defined style sheet in place of their own. So check for it.

29. Do the pages on site provide an option for skipping the page navigation and other repetitive links and going directly to the content?

30. Does every page on site have a meaningful, keyword-rich page title? Search engines use this. So check for it.

31. Is the content of Web site pages organized using headings with appropriate levels of importance?

32. If your site uses frames, are they titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation?

Form Usability and Usefulness :-

33. Are the text and labels on form sequentially arranged?

34. Is your Web site usable without a mouse?

35. Does site automatically select default text in form fields?

36. Does site provide visual hints to the user on mouse over?

37. Does your site provide visual hints to the user on mouse over? Also use server side validations also.

38. When using HTML controls, are text labels/prompts associated with the corresponding input element using the label element with the <for> attribute? Or, if the text is not available for the label, is the title attribute used on form controls?

Be sure to use the appropriate equivalent tags and attributes for ASP.NET controls.

Data Tables usability:-

39. Are the tables on your site properly formatted?

40. Does the summary and/or caption attribute describe the table and provide information on the number of rows and columns?

41. Are column headings in the first row and row headings in the first column?

42. In table heading cells, are <th> tags with the scope attribute used in place of <td> tags? Is the <id> attribute provided in the <th> tag of each heading cell??

43. Are the PDFdocs are accessible on the site?

44. Are the .CSV and .xle docs are accessible on site?

Is Multimedia Content on the Web Site Accessible?

45. Are video files on site captioned?

46. Does site provide a text transcription for all audio files?

Other important points to check :-

47. Is contact information for the department or agency prominently displayed on the Web site?

48. Is the content on the Web site up-to-date and fresh?

49. Does the Web site avoid errors of all types?

50. Is your Web site designed to look up-to-date and professional?
